Wednesday, May 10, 2017

45th General Assembly

For more information on our annual meeting, please click here:

Take time to familiarize yourself with the events of the week and to consider prayerful attention, as a commissioner, a voting member, or a church lay person. Items for consideration are listed in the docket, but there are a few significant considerations this year:

Overtures to the 45th General Assembly
Ad Interim Report on Women in Ministry

Thank you for your prayer for the preparations and all the proceedings at this year's General Assembly of the PCA.

Monday, May 1, 2017

5th Stated Meeting | May 16 | Grace Central (Grandview)

The next Stated Meeting of the Columbus Metro Presbytery will be held May 16, 2017 at 6:30 pm. Our time will begin with worship through the Word and Sacrament. We will meet at Grace Central:

Grace Central Presbyterian Church
237 W 2nd Ave
Columbus, OH 43201 [Map]

CMP Vision: We celebrate and invest in the common efforts of Columbus area PCA churches to pursue gospel-centered mission, leader training, pastoral health and cultural change through collaborative mission objectives.