Friday, September 30, 2016

First Meeting of the Columbus Metro Presbytery

The inaugural meeting of the Columbus Metro Presbytery is upon us.

The Teaching and Ruling Elders of the Columbus Metro Presbytery invite the membership of their churches to Northwest Presbyterian Church on October 18, 2106, at 7:00 pm for a time of worship and celebration.

We celebrate the common efforts of Columbus area churches to pursue gospel-centered mission, leader training, and shared efforts in cultural change.

Northwest Presbyterian Church
6400 Post Road
Dublin, OH 43016 [mapped]

A time for dessert will follow the celebration.

Finally, a short business meeting for CMP's TEs and REs will conclude the evening.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Organizational Meetings

So this is happening: Organizational meetings for Columbus Metro Presbytery are underway. Meeting at Northwest Presbyterian Church in Dublin, OH.

From the left: Drew Wilkins, Justin Grimm, Greg Blosser, Mike Sloan, Joe Haack, Todd Naille, Dave Schutter, James Kessler, Steve Resch, Nate Conrad